Saturday 26 February 2022

Covid Scare

14 days ago I had a huge Covid 19 scare. A family member was over visiting and the next day he found out someone in his family was postive for covid. I was in shock for days. Fisicaly shaking. It's now been 14 days and Im fine. No signs of covid. His family is fine and has recovered. All is well.

Wednesday 23 February 2022

Yes I'm still retired

I'm still retired from film making. I was thinking about going back to making films because I had chance meetings with actors from past productions saying how much they enjoyed working on the films. Also meet some parents of actors and they really appreciated all the work I did for them and their actors. They where very disappointed when I told them I had to retire do to Covid lockdowns. December January is the time of year I plan the new years productions so it's very hard to break 36 years of work pattern. Currently I have a huge income problem as in I'm flat broke with no possible job offers. I really need to focus on finding paid work that fits in with being my mom's care giver. Covid protection is also a huge factor in what kind of work I can do. I have medical complications so Covid would be very deadly to me if I contract it. Had that big scare earlier this week. Still have 10 days to see if I caught something or not.