Tuesday 2 February 2021


Hi Everyone, I have retired from making films. It was a lot of fun helping parents help their kids. Some parents had spent upwards of $32,000 on headshots and acting lessons but their actors didnt get any adutions booked. It was clear that they just needed some pratical experiance on their CV to land agents; audition and eventualy work. Thats where my film making hobby came in. With the help of some people kicking in a few bucks to help cover the cost of making films we made quite a few productions for next to no money. I paid the outstanding balane of trying to get the films completed. My number one rule was safty, then completion. Becuse if your not going to complete a porject then why start it. I wrote the scripts custom talered to making the actors look as good as possible. Much like a block buster Hollywood film. I cast the film, meet the actors then write the script. The parents offent thanked me for helping them and remarked how great it was to meet other parents who also had kids intrested in acting. Many actors moved onto film industry work and other found that acting was not their cup of tea. This freed them up to follow other intrests. Everyone that worked on the film projects was a voliteer. The films where never ment to make money so they didn't. Money was not a goal. Finding actors work was. Also the films were never made for grown ups. The target aduiance was the actors age 8 to 14. Something they would be proud to show ther freinds. A great big thank you goes out to all the supports and parents. We made a huge positive differnce in so many lives over the years.

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